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Planning and Structuring Assignments

This guide addresses key aspects of planning your work, getting started, making sense of assessment criteria, and templates for structures and paragraphs.

Quick resources

Skills Centre Recorded Presentations

Thumbnail image: Planning and Structuring Assignments Planning and Structuring

  • Essay questions - explaining common words used in essay briefs/questions
  • Timetable template - you can also use Microsoft / Google calendar
  • Analysis table - writing notes on the literature
  • Essay structure - you can use this as a general guide for a standard essay, although follow any specific structure you’ve been given by your tutors. Before writing your essay, think about what will go into each section. Doing this before you start writing will help when writing & should lead to a clearer essay
  • Assignment calculator planning tool

Academic Writing Glossary

Have you encountered a term in your module guide or assessment criteria that you're not familiar with? Our glossary includes definitions on the words and phrases associated with academic writing and studying at university:

Check out these examples:

Or browse the glossary index:


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