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Barnsley College Higher Education - Sheffield Hallam University resources: Visiting Sheffield Hallam

Find the libraries


Collegiate Library is located at Collegiate Campus and Adsetts Library is at City Campus. Please note that until you receive your SHUcard you will not be able to enter the Adsetts library during the overnight period of 9pm to 7.30am because you need your SHUcard to go through the main doors on Arundle Gate.  

Until you receive your SHUcard you are welcome to visit the Hallam libraries to use the library for reference. Please bring your college ID card and tell the staff on the library reception desk the name of your course (and note that you will not be able to access Adsetts library after 9pm).

Find your way to either City or Collegiate Campus using various modes of transport. At the library reception there are campus maps to help you once you arrive.

Photo credit: 'Adsetts Library' by Sheffield Hallam University

Using the library

As a student on a Sheffield Hallam-accredited course, you will receive a  SHUcard (University ID card) and SHU Login details. These  will be available from your college during your first term, probably between late October and late November after all student data and photos have been sent to us at Hallam.  Ask your course leader for more information. The login details will provide you will limited access to some online resources, most notably the Proquest Central database. You can access these through the Partner College Hallam Blackboard site at