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Importing into RefWorks from databases

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Proquest RefWorks enables you to add references by entering the title and searching for the resource you want or by adding PDF files.

Direct Export of references

Many databases have a direct export to RefWorks function.  If you cannot see this option, find your database in the list below for instructions.  When you export references you may be asked which version of RefWorks you wish to use.  Select ProQuest Refworks (blue writing):

image: Screen capture showing RefWorks dialogue: Export to the newest version of RefWorks.

Importing references from files

Some databases do not offer a direct export option.  In this case, you need to save your references from the database as a text file or .ris file.  The file of references can then be imported into ProQuest RefWorks. 

Look in the list below for your database to find out how to export the references as a file.  

To import the file into ProQuest RefWorks, use the method here:

  • Click on 'Add new reference' (the plus sign)
  • Click on 'Import references'
  • Click on 'Select a file from your computer' and then find the saved file
  • If you are asked 'What is the format of this file?' type in the name of the database you saved the references from e.g. Cochrane Library or the type of file e.g. BibTeX
  • You may need to choose a specific database to get the best results
  • Click the 'Import' button