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Professional Practice in Digital Teaching and Learning

PG Cert Professional Practice in Digital Teaching and Learning

Welcome to Sheffield Hallam University, working in partnership with Blackboard.

This guide will introduce you to a range or resources and sources of information to support your academic studies for the Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Practice in Digital Teaching and Learning.

Introduction to Sheffield Hallam University

Distance learner support services

You can choose to register to use our distance learner support services. If a journal article you want is not available online or is only available in print format at Sheffield Hallam University, you can use our distance learner support service to order a digitized copy of the print journal article which we will email to you. Find out more here or watch our short video. See the information on this webpage about Document Supply or click here.

Document Supply

If you need a journal article and it is not available through Library Search, you can request a copy through Sheffield Hallam's Document Supply Services; you may know this as inter-library loan.  The journal article will be sent in digitized format by email. There is no charge for this service. Please note, if the journal is available in print at Sheffield Hallam University you can order a digitized copy through our Distance Learner Support Service.  

We regret that we are unable to post print books to your home country.

Click to request an electronic version:

Please note that we cannot supply print copies of these resources.

You will receive an email from Document Supply Services containing a link to the resource that you have requested.  Please make sure that you check your Sheffield Hallam email account on a regular basis.  If there is a delay in getting a document for you, we will send you a progress update by email.  Usually, we should be able to provide you with Document Supply resources within 10 days, so please make a request well in advance of when you need it.

You will receive an email with a link to the eBook, eJournal article or other resource that you have requested.  Click on the link to open the document and then print it to read.  You can only print once, so please make sure you select all pages to print.  Once you have received the email, you have 30 days to open and print the document.  Due to licensing restrictions, it is not possible to save a copy.

If you have any problems getting access to your Document Supply request, please contact Document Supply Services.