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Welcome to the subject guide for Languages: Italian.

On this page, you will find:

  • Guidance on how to find Italian resources in the Library
  • Italian language and grammar websites


Where to find books in Adsetts Library

The languages collection can be found on level 3 in Adsetts Library. There is a section for Italian which contains language learning books and CDs, dictionaries and some books about the history, politics and culture of Italy.

A selection of Italian Resources in the Languages Collection

Online newspapers via Nexis

You can access many foreign newspapers electronically by using the database Nexis. You can access Nexis via the  A-Z List of Databases on Library Online. Nexis provides online access to a huge range of national and regional newspapers for Italy, including:

  • Corriere della Sera
  • La Stampa
  • Il Resto del Carlino
  • La Gazzetta dello Sport

DVDs and audio

Italian language resources