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Schools and colleges: Photocopy & scan

Please note: printing, copying and scanning are not available at the moment.  Sorry for any inconvenience.  We are working to get these services up and running as soon as possible.

Print, copy and scan

We have printers on each floor of both libraries. You can use these machines to print from a USB stick, photocopy documents, and scan directly to an email account of your choice.


Please don't copy or scan entire books or journals!  Copyright law allows:

  • one chapter per book or 10 percent, whichever is the greater
  • one article per journal issue
  • one poem/short story from an anthology, no more than 10 pages

If you're not sure whether you're allowed to copy or scan something, please ask at the library Helpdesk first.

Top up

Before you can print or photocopy, you need to go to the Hallam Help Point and get a username and password.  When you have those, add some money to your print account. You can do this by cash or with a credit/debit card, and we recommend that you top up by just the amount that you think you will need.  However, any unspent money will stay on your print account for you to use in future.

Printing and photocopying price list

  Black and white Colour
A4 single sided 4p 10p
A4 double sided 6p 15p
A3 single sided 7p 15p
A3 double sided 10p 25p

How to print

1. Start by logging in to any of the printers.  To do this, type in your username and password; you can get this from the Library Helpdesk or from Reception when the Helpdesk is closed.

2. Plug your USB stick into the port on the right-hand side of the printer, near the top.

3. Wait until the folders window appears on screen, navigate to find the document you want to print, and select it.

4. Press the blue button to start printing.

5. Remember to press the 'Log out' button to prevent anyone else using the money on your print account.

How to photocopy and scan

There are instructions on the wall behind each all-in-one machine that tell you how to photocopy and scan. To get started, hold your SHUcard against the red spot on the front of the machine and then follow the instructions step by step.

If you have any problems, speak to a member of staff at the library Helpdesk.

Adsetts Library [map pdf]
Collegiate Library [map pdf]

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB
Sheffield Hallam Library Signifier