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European Information

About European Information


Here you will find access to information about the European Union (EU),and information published by the EU. It aims to support research in European studies and inform both the university community and the general public.  Publications cover a wide range of subjects, including agriculture, economics, energy, science and technology, social affairs, trade and transport. The Statistical Office (Eurostat) publishes collections of statistics in all these areas.

Most official publications of the European Union's institutions were received in printed form until recently, except for limited distribution documents (SEC documents) and scientific reports (EUR), and may be used by members of the University and anyone requiring information about the European Union. As electronic versions of most EU documents are now freely available we generally only keep material which is not available online. Wherever possible, links to online versions of individual titles are provided via the Library Gateway.

General information on the EU, and access to recent documents can be found on Europa - the EU's official website. For an easier search engine try Search Europa to search the 28 million pages on Europa.

European information: a guide to official sources (102 pages; 4th ed, 2010) by Patrick Overy, originally published by the now defunct European Information Association, can be downloaded from ORE (Open Research Exeter)

A core collection of materials is kept in the stack at Collegiate Library.

Official Documentation of the EU

Official Documents of the EU provides access to the major official resources, including