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Developing Research Skills for Evidence and Enquiry for Practice (HWLS): Starting your Search - what to use?

What will I learn in this section?

This section will cover all you need to know about using a database to find your articles. Remember, you need to find two articles from one database relevant to your subject area. The topic you choose to search for is to enable you to find your articles - the essential skill you are trying to demonstrate is the search process you are using to find the two articles. So please don't get too obsessed with searching for your topic!

Remember! You are NOT doing a literature review of your topic; you are investigating the research methodologies of the two papers you choose in order to critique them.

Each of the databases below has more information about what subjects or topics that database covers. Please read this information carefully to help you choose which database is most relevant to your topic. The tab 'Using the Databases' goes into more detail on how to search these databases.

Key Databases for Nursing & Midwifery, Health and Social Care

These are the key databases that cover the Nursing, Midwifery, Health and Social Care literature. You need to choose one of these only to use to find your two articles. Each database has some information about what it covers and what it is appropriate for, so please read the information carefully to help you choose which one to use.

Library Search AND Google Scholar - Not to be used for this assignment!

While you may have used Google, or other search engines, previously, they may not be the most appropriate resource to use. Your assignment brief clearly states that you need to find your articles from an academic database, and Google etc. are not this!

From page 3 of the Assessment Brief:

'You should conduct your search on a discipline-appropriate electronic database accessed via the A-Z list of databases on the Library Gateway. Suitable databases include: Medline, Cumulative Index of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Assia and Psychinfo  

N.B The Library Gateway itself is NOT a suitable database, nor is Google Scholar.'

Where Can I Get Help?

There is lots more help in the 'introduction to literature searching' folder in your module site. There is a section called 'introduction to literature searching' which has a comprehensive set of resources to help you with starting your search for your papers. You should have completed this by this time. If you haven't, it's important that you revisit this information.

You can get help with quick questions using Library chat, or you can get in touch with the Library through the student portal or Hallam Help points. Here are some useful help links: