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International Business

Subject guide for International Business at Sheffield Hallam University

Do you want to know more about how the Library can help you to produce a high-quality dissertation or extended project? What research materials are available? How to get help with referencing and organising your reading?

This is a brief overview of how the Library can help you with your dissertation.

Research methodologies and SAGE Research Methods

Sage Research Methods is a methods library with more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles, and instructional videos by world-leading academics from across the social sciences.  It is designed to guide users to the content you need to learn a little or a lot about your method. 
Need to find a Method? Explore the Methods Map below (click on the image):

Manchester Phrasebank

Finding dissertations and theses

Researching similar dissertations is not only a way to ensure that you will be contributing original research to the field, but also a great way to see examples of how other students conducted a literature review and used a particular research methodology. Additionally, you can potentially identify a particular test instrument or theoretical framework appropriate for your study, as well as discover scholarly research articles that you may not have come across in your own research.

Planning and writing your dissertation or extended project

Skills for Study is based on the work of expert Stella Cottrell, international bestselling author of The Study Skills Handbook. Skills for Study uses the best of e-learning technology and the advantages of an interactive platform to engage and develop academic skills.

Student login procedure

After selecting "Student log in", Choose to continue with your Institution Account. On the first occasion that you log in, you will be asked to create an account, using your student email address (, but afterwards you can simply use the Institutional Account login.

Adsetts Library
Collegiate Library

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB