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International Business

Subject guide for International Business at Sheffield Hallam University

Case studies provide a framework for problem solving, and provide an opportunity to explore, understand and analyse situations with which you may not have had first-hand experience. Analysing cases allows you to apply the concepts and theory that you have been learning about in lectures and seminars. It will allow you to practice your critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Many journal articles are case studies. To find them, enter "case study" in the search box as one of your key words. You can find journal articles on ABI Inform, SAGE Business Cases, Business Source Premier, and Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Archive.

Message for academic teaching and research staff:

Harvard Business Review - HBP Case Studies  does not sell case studies directly to libraries. Due to these restrictions, libraries cannot purchase HBP case studies or put them on reserve.

The Library has a membership subscription only for The Case Centre - (formerly known as ECCH) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the case method in business education and sharing our world-leading knowledge and expertise in case teaching, writing and learning.  

Resources for Case Studies

Adsetts Library
Collegiate Library

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB