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About our sessions

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Webinars and workshops

These group sessions focus on particular topics such as Planning and Structuring, Critical Thinking, or Presentation Skills

Sessions are taught online in Blackboard Collaborate.  You can keep your camera and microphone off, and use text chat to communicate. 

The presentation slides are sent out in advance and additional useful resources are sent out after the session.  

Find and book sessions in the What's On section.  If you can't see a relevant session, please contact us.

1-1 appointments

1-1 Appointments

If you’d like to discuss a specific assignment or get personalised guidance on how to develop your academic skills, you can book a 30-minute appointment with an Academic Skills Adviser. 

You can learn how to study more effectively, and improve your academic skills, productivity and confidence.

You can book up to 3 appointments within a 90-day period. However, you can only have one upcoming appointment at a time. Once your appointment has passed, you can book your next one.

You can find and book for forthcoming 1-1s via our What's on section.



Bootcamps are short courses that offer you the chance to develop the skills needed for specific assessment tasks in a short space of time. 

  • Digital Bootcamp - Learn how to use MS Teams, Blackboard and Outlook to get the most out of your course.
  • Assignment Bootcamp  - Develop the research, planning and writing skills needed to successfully tackle your first assignment.
  • Research Bootcamp - Understand each step of planning and writing up a research project.

Visit the Bootcamps page to find the next course dates and sign up for upcoming sessions.

Help with Collaborate technology

If you have any difficulties joining or participating in one of our online 1-1s or webinars, please check the following tips:

If you are still having difficulties with Collaborate, please contact IT Help.