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Biosciences and Chemistry

Science writing and communication

The books listed in this box relate to how to pitch a scientific idea or communicate a technical idea to a non-technical audience.

You can find other examples of idea pitching, elevator pitching or business pitching books in Library Search.

Academic writing

The books listed in this box relate to academic writing and are not subject specific to Biosciences or Chemistry.

Critical writing and reading

The books listed in this box relate to developing your point of view in your writing and working with scientific and medical literature. 

Final year projects and literature reviews

The books listed in this box relate to dissertations and final year projects.

You can find more examples in Library Search.

Grammar and style

The books listed in this box relate to grammar and writing style.

You can find other examples of grammar and writing style books in Library Search.

PhD study, the Viva and article publication

The books listed in this box relate to writing for publication, PhD study and raising awareness of your research.

Poster creation

The books listed in this box relate to how to create posters for assignments.

You can find other examples of how to create posters or infographics in Library Search.


The books listed in this box relate to presentation skills.

You can find other examples of presentation skills books in Library Search.

Studying and Dyslexia

The books listed in this box relate to studying at university with dyslexia and approaches that may help.

Maths and Statistics

We have lots of different books related to maths, statistics and the sciences.

You will need to use Library Search to find the full range of the collection. Here are a few examples that you may like to take a look at to figure out how to do calculations and not mix up your moles!