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On this page, you will find key, specialist resources for studying policing.

You will find guidance on finding books, journals, databases, handbooks and encyclopaedias, as well as key websites.

We encourage you to use all the tabs on the Criminology guide to find general resources and guidance that will be useful and important for you. The “Referencing” tab will take you to our guidance for APA 7.

If you need any help, you can contact your Learning and Teaching Librarians through Hallam Help.

Searching for Policing Books

Most books relevant to Policing can be found at the Collegiate Library. However, you may need to use books from the Adsetts Library for some modules.

To find details of the exact location and availability of print books and electronic books, please use Library Search. On the search results page, click on the title of a book to see information about all the copies. To use an eBook click on the 'Available online' link underneath the title in the same search.

Use the shelfmark you find on Library Search to locate the book in the library. Here are some common shelfmarks.



Police services 363.2 
Police accountability 363.20941
Crime Prevention 363.23
Patrol and surveillance 363.232
Enforcement of civil laws 363.233
Detection of crime (Criminal investigation) 363.25
Cybercrime 363.25968

New Books


To explore an area in more detail, you will need to read journals. Journals and periodicals contain articles and are published at regular intervals. Journals are very good for keeping up to date with the latest news and research or for information about a very specific subject.


To find journals specific to Policing, you can use BrowZine. BrowZine is the catalogue of the electronic journals that the Hallam Library has access to. You can browse through the catalogue by subject area or search for a particular title. You can keep up to date with your favourite academic journals by downloading the BrowZine app to your mobile devise and saving your top journals. Each time a new issue of that journal is published, you will be alerted to the new content.


Search e-journals


Key Journals


Online Handbooks

Professional Bodies/Policing Websites and Resources