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International Business

Subject guide for International Business at Sheffield Hallam University

On this page, you will find guidance for using books and eBooks.

There is information on finding books in the Library, a list of key dictionaries and encyclopedias, as well as eBook collections. You can also quickly search for a definition of a business or management concept in the Oxford reference collection.

Finding books in the Library

Most International Business books can be found in Adsetts Library. To find details of the exact location and availability of books, including eBooks, use Library Search.  The shelfmark will tell you where to find the book in the Library. The shelfmark number is located on the spine of each book and the books are arranged in numerical order in the Library. Books on the same subject are given the same shelfmark number.
If you need a book that is not available in the Library or as an eBook, our Document Supply Service may be able to get a copy for you. Use the shelfmark you find on Library Search to locate the book in the library.  Here are some common shelfmarks:

Cross-cultural management 658.049
Foreign exchange 332.45
Globalisation 337
International business 658.18
International finance 332.45
International trade 382

Dictionaries and encyclopedias

eBook Collections

The Library offers access to tens of thousands of eBooks on a variety of subjects. Use Library Search on the Library homepage to locate and access eBooks. Look at the following guide for further information:

Using and working with eBooks

Oxford Reference Online Business and Management Collection

Looking for a quick definition of a business or management concept?
Use this link for direct full-text searchable access to six Oxford University Press titles:

  • A Dictionary of Accounting
  • A Dictionary of Business and Management
  • A Dictionary of Finance and Banking
  • A Dictionary of Human Resource Management
  • A Dictionary of Marketing
  • The Handbook of International Financial Terms.

Alternatively, search the whole Oxford reference collection using the tool below.

Search the Oxford reference collection using the tool below.

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