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Library Laptop Loans

Adsetts library day loan laptop


The one day loan laptop locker is located on Level 4 on the left hand side as you enter through the access gates.

How to borrow a day loan laptop:

  1. Make sure that you have read and understood the information on this page including the ‘Hallam Library Laptop Loans Policy’.
  2. Check the small electronic display screen on the left-hand side of the laptop locker, this will tell you if any laptops are available for loan - if the screen shows ‘0’ this means that all laptops are currently on loan/unavailable and you will need to check another laptop locker, or try again at another time.
  3. If a laptop is available, scan your Sheffield Hallam University student ID card on the card reader - this is located just below the small electronic display screen.
  4. The small electronic display screen will tell you which numbered laptop bay you can access - a small light on the locker will also flash to show you where that laptop bay is located.
  5. Quickly press the black button next to the flashing light on the laptop bay to open the door - if the bay door is not opened within 20 seconds the system will time-out and the laptop loan will automatically end.
  6. Carefully unplug the laptop from the locker bay and remove it along with the laptop charger provided.
  7. Close the laptop bay door - if the door has been closed correctly the small electronic display screen will say: ‘Device loan has been added to your library account’ - if the door has not been closed correctly an alarm will sound until the laptop bay door is successfully closed.
  8. The laptop has now been added to your library account and the due date and due time showing when the laptop must be returned can be found on My Library Account.
  9. Before you leave the library, log in to the laptop with your Sheffield Hallam University login details - if you do not follow this step the laptop will not work off-campus.

Adsetts library week loan laptop

Adsetts Library

The one week loan laptop locker is located on Level 4, on the left-hand side as you enter the library café area.

How to borrow a week loan laptop:

  1. Make sure that you have read and understood the information on this page including the ‘Hallam Library Laptop Loans Policy’.
  2. The laptop locker has a large electronic display screen, press the ‘Borrow’ button on the screen, this will tell you if a week loan laptop is available - if the screen indicates that there are no laptops available, this means that all laptops are currently on loan/unavailable and you will need to check another laptop locker, or try again at another time.
  3. If a laptop is available, the screen will ask you to scan your Sheffield Hallam University student ID card on the card reader - this is a black rectangle located just below the large electronic display screen.
  4. The screen will ask you to accept or decline the library terms and conditions - these can be found here - Press ‘Accept’ to proceed with the loan (if you decline the terms and conditions you will be unable to borrow a laptop).
  5. The large electronic display screen will tell you which numbered laptop bay you can access - The locker bay will also light up to show you where that laptop bay is located.
  6. Quickly open the numbered laptop bay to access the laptop - if the bay door is not opened within 20 seconds the system will time-out and the laptop loan will automatically end.
  7. Carefully unplug the laptop from the locker bay and remove it along with the laptop charger provided.
  8. Close the laptop bay door, The large screen will also display a message ‘device loan until Date/Time’
  9. Press the ‘Finish’ button on the screen to complete the loan
  10. The laptop has now been added to your library account and the due date and due time showing when the laptop must be returned can be found on My Library Account.
  11. Before you leave the library, log in to the laptop with your Sheffield Hallam University login details - if you do not follow this step the laptop will not work off-campus.