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Journalism, PR and Media

Researching the news

If you want to research news sources, using a database on this page will be the best place to start.

Nexis is the best newspaper database for searching global, national and local news. It has coverage from the 1990s onwards, and allows you to do systematic searching, and to save/export your results. 

<<<< Use the menu on the left to choose which type of database you need. 

Choose Current news if you want to research from 1990s onwards. For anything older you will need to use one of the Archives.

Photo by Juliana Malta on Unsplash

Current news

UK newspapers archives

Global newspaper archives

Magazine & periodical archives

TV & radio news archives

TV & radio sources

Several television news channels are available through Sheffield Hallam University computers via shuplayer, through which you can watch BBC News 24, CNN, Sky News and Al-Jazeera.

Hansard: UK parliamentary debates and reports

Hansard provides the archive of the official report of the House of Commons and the House of Lords for the UK parliament. 

It contains Debates and Oral and Written Answers to Questions. Coverage starts from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day.


Newspaper cartoons

Press and media complaints