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Presentation Skills

Learn how to plan, structure and deliver effective presentations with this online guide from the Skills Centre.

Why present?

Presentations are a feature of many courses and can form part or all of an assessment. Presentation skills broadly falls into two key areas - the writing of material and the verbal presentation of this material. It is extremely common, almost universal, to find speaking in front of others a challenge. Part of coping with the anxiety of speaking in front of others is about managing nerves but proper preparation also makes a significant difference to the likely success of any presentation. 

Why are you asked to present?

Sometimes it might feel like a punishment being asked to verbally present your work to your tutor(s) and potentially your course mates but it is included for very good reason. Presentations:

  • can be easier for some people as it allows them to articulate their ideas and arguments in a different way.
  • allow you to bring your argument to life by delivering it in a more passionate and engaging format.
  • give you the opportunity to practise your public speaking skills required for interviews and in many different professions.
  • can boost your overall confidence in social and speaking situations.
  • give tutors the opportunity to ask you questions about your work/ your understanding of a topic in a way that written work doesn't

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