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Report Writing

An overview of the key features and structures used in report writing at university.

Top tips

Here are our three top tips for writing top-notch reports:

  1. Know your audience and purpose. Always think about why you are writing your report and who is it for. For example, is it for dissemination to the public? Is it for a business? Will it only be read by academics? Understanding the answers to these questions will help to tailor your writing and ensure that you communicate your findings in the most effective way possible.
  2. Structure is key. Whilst the exact structure of reports may differ slightly between subjects, most will follow the same broad structure outlined in this guide. Each section has an important and specific function within the report. It is essential that you provide your reader with the appropriate information in each section to demonstrate your knowledge, rationale and findings/conclusions in a way that ensures maximum clarity.
  3. Language matters! Reports should have a formal style and be easy to understand. Remember to keep your writing precise and objective.

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