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Dissertations and research projects

Guidance for every stage of your research project, from planning to writing up.

Recruiting participants

Deciding on your research participants is a topic that is important to discuss with your supervisor in the early stages of your dissertation project, perhaps even in your first supervision meeting. The sooner you identify your research participants, the sooner you can begin to narrow the scope of your literature search and determine which studies will be most relevant to your aims and objectives. 

This will also help you to begin to sketch out the story of your research - why are you interested in your chosen group, what will participating in your research look like for a participant, and how will they be implicated in your findings? It would be impossible for this guide to cover everything on how to identify, recruit and collect data from your research participants, but here are some key points to consider:

  • Start with the existing literature. If you’re undecided on who your participants should be, start by making notes on existing studies. You might aim to build on existing research - exploring a new variable with a well-researched participant group that you will aim to replicate in your own project. Alternatively, you might be drawn to expand existing research into a new pare by considering participants and populations you feel have been previously overlooked.

  • Draw on your networks. Be practical, thinking about potential participants that you can easily access and engage with in your project. These might be coursemates, university students, or communities you have worked with on placement. If you already know your participants, or belong to the group yourself, be sure to consider your positionality and think about the potential for research bias.

  • Be realistic about ethical approval. For UG and PGT dissertations, it is important to be realistic about who you will be able to involve in your research, and the unlikelihood that you will have the time to gain ethics approval for working with vulnerable communities or involving participants in sensitive topics. However, this is not to say that your research idea does not have potential, but you may need to think of a group of participants - perhaps one step removed from your topic of interest - that could be involved. For example, any direct work with children, unless you are already undertaking a school-based placement, is very unlikely to be approved. However, you could shift your focus onto parents or teachers. Similarly, sensitive topics such as mental health and disability will be difficult to address directly, but you could choose to interview support workers or university staff on the subject, or write an extended literature review that does not require you to generate primary data from working with participants.

  • Read up on selection and sampling techniques. Familiarise yourself with the different ways you can recruit participants to ensure a representative sample. For more information on sampling techniques, and their relative advantages and limitations, visit our SAGE Research Methods resource via the library.

  • Think about the logistics of recruiting and gathering data from participants. How will you reach out to participants and are you using multiple methods of communication, or relying entirely on online surveys or email interviews? Some communication methods may be easier for your participants to engage with than others - try to build this into your research design. You will also need to think about how you ensure data is anonymised and how you will keep track of the number of participants involved in your project if they are participating remotely.

  • Have a contingency plan. Reflect on the possible points of failure in your project and possible solutions for these. If your online survey fails to attract enough participants, can you run a second phase of data collection in person? What is your minimum number of participants needed to meet your research aims?

  • Set yourself a goal. Set an ideal sample size as well as a lower limit. Aim for the minimum in the time you have available - any extra participants would then be a bonus!

  • Share your findings. You will need to let your participants know how their data will be stored and how they can access the results of your project once it is completed. You can find guidance on this, and wider GDPR considerations, on the university's ethics pages.

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