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Where to find us - with photos

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How to find us

Getting from Adsetts Library entrance to level 6

Enter the library by going through the external doors and then another set of doors immediately in front of you.

Adsetts Library entrance on Level 4

Inner doors on Adsetts Level 4

Turn to your left and tap your student card on the entry gate panel to enter the library. If you have any problems entering the library, please speak to the member of staff on the security desk at the entry gates.

Turnstiles on Level 4 of Adsetts Library

Once you have gone through the entry gates move directly forward towards the lift and stairs. You can use the lift to take you directly to level 6. The lift opens on level 6 by the stairs.

Looking left from the turnstiles on Level 4 towards the lift and stairs

If you are using the stairs walk up two levels to where the stairs end. This is level 6. You can also see where the lift arrives on level 6 in the second picture.

The internal stairs in Adsetts Library

The top of the stairs at Level 6 in Adsetts Library

Finding room 6.01 on level 6

Facing the stairs, use the walkway on either side of the stairs to move directly forward towards the other end of the library. Room 6613 is directly in front of you as you get to the end of the walkway.

Looking across the stairwell in Level 6 Adsetts Library, towards room 6613

In front of room 6613 in Adsetts Library

Facing 6613 turn left and walk through the computer area towards the glass fronted room in front of you. This is 6.01

Looking left towards room 6.01

In front of room 6.01 in Adsetts Library

Not what you were looking for?   Also see our Find us page for maps and an introduction to how to find the Skills Centre sessions