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Study Well, Stay Well

The Study Well, Stay Well guide brings together information, guidance and resources on how you can balance your wellbeing with your studies.
Energy, Work and Study Balance

Most students find studying quite a challenge at times and whilst everyone’s experiences are unique, their learning journey will inevitably be met with both ups and downs, but it’s how we manage these that will determine our success.  

Time is often the biggest nemesis and we all feel there simply isn’t enough of it in any 24-hour period to enable us to accomplish everything we want to do. Therefore, it is important to establish a healthy work-life balance and preserve our energy levels. If we allow ourselves to get over-stressed the likelihood is our sense of perspective diminishes and things can become overwhelming far too quicky! How we manage stressors is key because the more stressed we are, the less productive we are: It is essential to ensure the coping strategies that we put in place are healthy and constructive to our wellbeing. 

Energy, work and study balance: The Basics

We often find ourselves juggling our time, commitments, and responsibilities to fit everything in. When we are studying, working, seeing friends and family or finding time to pursue interests and hobbies, this means we are constantly having to renegotiate how and where we expend our energy. When we are feeling overwhelmed, this can take its toll on our mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual energy and leave us feeling unable to fulfil our potential, so it is important to take a step back and assess our energy levels and look at how you can create a better work-life balance. Identify what is making you feel drained, energised, or unmotivated and recognise that you cannot be in a state of high energy all the while!  

This tool is a useful way to reflect on the balance of your activities in your daily routine and consider what you need to address to create more time for yourself. In doing this you can find a more harmonious way of being in the various aspects of your life; for example, studying, working, and maintaining family and friend relationships. 

Be Active

Taking good care of yourself is a key element to success and it is vital that we ensure we try to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that we can be more productive. If we don’t have energy, stamina, and a healthy body then we may not be as academically as productive as we may like .Therefore, it is crucial to establish heathy habits such as maintaining good nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management. 

Incorporating exercise into your routine while studying can have a positive impact on your academic performance, mental health and overall quality of life. You should aim to establish a routine to integrate exercise into your day-to-day life and it would be helpful to apply self-discipline to avoid your fitness habits falling by the wayside as there are many benefits to exercising regularly. 

Exercise has been linked to the following: 

  • Improved cognitive function including enhanced memory, attention, and concentration. 

  • Improved mood and mental health as it promotes the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin which can reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

  • Physical exercise is a natural stress reliever, as it triggers the release of endorphins which are chemicals in the brain that can act as natural mood boosters. 

  • Participation in group sports, fitness classes, or recreational activities can help you build a social network which can contribute to a sense of belonging and reduce isolation.   

Staying active

Discover fitness classes, social sport leagues and outdoor activities on offer to all Hallam students on the SHU Sport and Fitness website.

You can also join in with yoga and mental health boxing classes from Student Wellbeing.

Connect with others

Developing good relationships and networks are pivotal aspects of your university experience and they offer numerous benefits that extend beyond your academic achievements, so it is important nurture existing relationships and build new friendships. Whilst you may not feel like you have the time, it is essential that you don’t take people for granted and sacrifice time to develop your interactions with them. 

Relationships and networking opportunities can add value to the quality of your life in many ways: 

  • Building relationships with peers allows for collaborative learning and academic support and forming study groups can enhance your understanding of course materials and contribute to academic success. 

  • Networking with professors, alumni and professionals in your field can open doors to internships, research opportunities and career advice and is essential for your career development and job placement 

  • Interacting with diverse individuals exposes you to different perspectives, cultures, and ideas and this can contribute to personal growth and development. 

  • Building relationships with peers helps you to feel more socially integrated, reducing feelings of isolation and enhance your university experience. 

Find out more about how to look after your relationships and make new friends in the Connecting with Others section of this website.

Learn new skills

Making the most of your university experience involves not only doing well academically, but also embracing personal growth, making connections, and developing sense of adventure! This gives you the chance to broaden your horizons and seek out new experiences.  

Here are some tips to incorporate adventure into your university life: 

  • Join clubs, societies or volunteering opportunities related to your interests as this is a good way to meet like-minded people, make friends and have fun. 

  • Explore sports, fitness classes or outdoor activities as staying active contributes to your physical and mental well-being. 

  • Embrace the cultural diversity on campus by attending cultural events, festivals, or international food fairs to learn from different perspectives.

  • Create a list of adventures and experiences you want to have during your time at university as this can add to your feelings of accomplishment; for example, travel into the Peak district, or learn a new skill like dancing, climbing, or cooking. 

Give to others

‘Contribution leads to an increased connection with other people.’ 

Contributing to various aspects of university life can have several important benefits and it can enhance your sense of belonging and connection with others. This can range from actively contributing to university activities, such as clubs or societies, volunteering, culture connect or getting involved in wider activities beyond the university setting. This can play a crucial role in personal development, career development and create a meaningful and fulfilling life. Here are some of the benefits for getting involved: 

  • Social integration 

  • Networking opportunities 

  • Teamwork and collaboration skills  

  • Cultural and diversity exposure 

  • Personal growth 

  • Enhanced learning experience  

Learn more: 5 Ways to Wellbeing

The 5 Ways to Wellbeing recorded workshop from Student Wellbeing explores the topic of energy, work and study balance in more detail. The session discusses some common wellbeing issues and introduces ways to manage these successfully.

Explore the 5 Ways to Wellbeing resources for more information.

Develop your understanding

Explore our curated range of e-modules, books and learning resources to further expand your knowledge of this topic. 

Further reading

Attend a session

Explore sessions and recorded presentations on topics related to balancing your energy, work and study commitments. 

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