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Anatomical images and videos

Television and radio recordings

You can access online television and radio recordings from UK Freeview channels from the database Box of Broadcasts (also known as BoB):

You can also access older recordings- as well as DVDs and Blu-Rays, plus some special recordings - from Library Search.

1. Go to the Library Online, type a title or a keyword into the Library Search box and click the 'Search button'.

2. On the search results page, under the Content Type filter, click to select the 'Audio visual' filter.

3. The list of search results will update to show just audio and video recordings.  When you've found the recording you want to watch, select the 'Available online' tab and follow the links to view the material.

Many of the recordings are available to borrow online. DVDs and Blu-Rays can be borrowed just like print books.


TED (Technology Entertainment and Design)

TED is a website with a number of conference presentations and was formed to disseminate "ideas worth spreading." It is a good tool for current awareness of worldwide issues.

A number of sport related talks are included in TED.  The following interview covers tennis, love and motherhood with Serena Williams. - On tennis, love and motherhood.