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Student remote working guide


Myfiles gives access to files saved on the university's networked drives. Open and edit your files without having Microsoft Office apps such as Word and Excel installed on your computer or device.

With Myfiles you can get access to the following:

  • F Drive - Displayed as Home drive
  • Q Drive - Displayed as Q Drive Share (Students and Research)


Why should I use it?

  • It’s simple – it just needs a web browser such as Edge, Internet Explorer, Chrome or Safari
  • You can open and work on files directly in the web versions of Office applications such as Word / Excel etc.
  • It avoids the need to download files which may lead to breaches of GDPR and version control issues.
  • For students this is the normal way to access University files when working remotely

Access your files

Go to MyFiles and log in using your normal SHU username and password. 

You will see the drives that you have access to in the left hand panel. The content of what you have selected on the left is displayed in the large panel on the right.

Click the plus and minus symbols to expand or contract these drives. Alternatively select the folder in the right hand panel to open it.

Myfiles screenshot

Edit your files online

This is the recommended method for simplicity and data security

  1. Locate the file you want to open
  2. Right click on the file name
  3. Select View / edit
  4. Select Edit in Office 365
  5. Select your SHU Microsoft account if displayed or select Use another account and enter your username in the format and enter your normal password
  6. At the time of writing there is a bug that prevents the file opening. To open the file repeat steps 1-4. You should not be asked to enter your credentials again and the file should open in the web app.
  7. NOTE: You can configure a double click on a file to open it in the web app. The first time you double click on a file it will offer you the option to set the action to Edit in Office 365

Download your files

If you need to work on the file in a desktop app that you have installed on your computer / device you must first download the file. 

  1. Locate the file you want to open
  2. Right click on the file name
  3. Select Download
  4. Locate the file in your downloads folder and open as normal. 

NOTE - When you have finished editing the file you need to upload it back to the original location using the upload function in MyFiles. 

Integration with OneDrive

MyFiles integrates with your Hallam OneDrive cloud storage. There are a few ways you can copy files and folders between your network drives and OneDrive. 

Option 1 - starting with a folder or file in My Files

Right click on a file in Myfiles. Select cloud storages, send to..., Office 365

A right click on a folder or file in My Files gives you a cloud storage option which allows you to send it to Office 365 OneDrive


Option 2 - Starting with the File menu at the top of the screen

Select file, cloud storages, send to..., Office 365

The Cloud storages option lets you send to or get from Office 365 OneDrive


When using either Option 1 or Option 2 you will be asked to Authenticate with Office 365.
Enter your username in the format and your usual University password.