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Revision and Exams

Boost your exam revision and explore strategies for essay exams, online tests and MCQs with our online study guide and resources.

Preparation and Planning

Finding the venue

Once you've accessed your timetable, check the time, date and rooms of all of your exams. Ensure you know which campus your exam is scheduled for - this may be different from where your normal on-campus teaching takes place. 

Check out these maps of Sheffield Hallam University buildings to find exact building locations:

You can download PDF versions of the maps to take with you on the day using the links above.

Equipment to remember

The night before your exam, take some time to pack your bag and check you have everything you need. The most important thing to remember is your SHU card, as this will be used to verify your identity when you arrive at the venue. If you've lost your SHU card, you can order a new one online.

Top tips for on-campus exams

  • Familiarise yourself with the exam conditions and ensure you have any necessary materials and equipment to complete the exam.

  • Remember to set some time aside during the exam to quickly plan your answer. We’d recommend using this time to note down some of your most important points, or to write down a list of your references with dates.

  • Wear comfortable clothing, this will help you to feel more relaxed.

  • Remember to bring a water bottle in case you feel dehydrated during the exam

  • DO NOT leave the exam early! If you finish your paper early use this time to proofread your response. It is more than likely you will have made some errors while writing your response.

Top tips for online exams:

  • Find a quiet space where you won't be interrupted during the exam. You can also book a study space on-campus if you're worried about your internet connection at home.

  • Allow yourself time to fully understand the question/task. 

  • Concentrate on writing your answers and resist the urge to do further reading during the exam window. 

  • Write a plan before you start writing your answer (this will be time well spent!) 

  • Stick to simple formatting - use a clear font (Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman), size 12pt and normal margins. 

  • Use subheadings if you would normally include them in coursework. 

  • Reference accurately using standard APA format unless instructed otherwise. (You will not be expected to attach a reference list/bibliography at the end of the paper.) Use the Library's online guide to APA referencing to help get this right on the day.

  • Leave time to proofread your work - reading aloud or using text-to-speech software is a good way of spotting grammatical errors or incomplete sentences.