Once you have identified a problem or gap in the literature, you need to begin thinking about you will address this in your research. Research questions help to focus your project by highlighting what you want to learn about your topic, as well as providing guidance about how your data will be collected and analysed.
For example:
RQ1: Do media texts improve access to learning for low attaining students?
RQ2: Does exploring poetry through the lens of student interest positively affect motivation?
These research questions are effective as they give a clear indication of the research topic (media texts/student interest), participant group (low attaining students) and research measures (access to learning/motivation and engagement).
Whilst there isn't a perfect formula for writing research questions, here are some top tips:
Research questions are not easy to write. They take time and require work: rarely will you stumble upon your research questions with ease. Instead, you start with a problem and refine your ideas until you have a workable way to research your area of interest.
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