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Social Work, Social Care, and Community Studies


Welcome to the subject guide for Social Work and Social Care

This guide will help you find the books, journals and other information you need when researching for your assignments.

How to use the guide

Use the menu on the left hand side of the screen to find out more about specific resources e.g. books, journals and databases.

Do you have other guides on other subjects?

That is a great question! We do, you can find them all on the Subject Guide homepage below!

How to Search

Using AI in your work

What are reading lists?

Social work and social care reading lists are on the University's Reading List Online system. This gives you a single point of access to items on your lists including:

  • information about book availability;
  • links to our online resources, including e-books and journal articles;
  • scanned extracts of key readings.    

You will find links to your reading lists on your Blackboard module homepage.  You can also search for your module titles on the main Reading List Online page.

The reading list acts as a starting point to develop your subject knowledge.

New books in the Library about social work and social care

Here you can find examples of newly purchased books or eBooks that have found a home in the Library collections.

The books here have been selected either because they are listed on the Reading List Online for one of your modules or they have been selected by your subject librarian. The contents of this box changes often as we purchase books all year long!

Library Support

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