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Video, images and audio: Video

How to find and watch video and audio material

  1. Go to the Library Search, type a title or a keyword into the Library Search box and click the 'Search button'.
  2. On the search results page, under the Content Type filter, click to select the 'Audio visual' filter.
  3. The list of search results will update to show just audio and video recordings.  When you've found the recording you want to watch, select the 'Available online' tab and follow the links to view the material.

Please note that Box of Broadcasts [BoB] contains over 2 million TV and radio broadcasts which are not indexed in Library Online so you will need to search the database directly.

DVDs in the libraries

Browse our large collection of DVDs and CDs. Feature films are kept in the Film Studies collection in the Quiet Study area on Adsetts level 4. All other DVDs and CDs can be found with the books at the relevant shelfmark in the Main collections at Adsetts and Collegiate

You can use Library Search to find media materials. Enter your search terms then Refine results by Content Type to limit to Video / Video Online.

TV programme listings

Finding more video resources

These sources contain videos that you can reuse in your university work.

Check the  link for details of terms and conditions of use.

Creating and editing videos

Equipment for creating your own media, such as stills cameras, camcorders and sound recorders, is available to borrow.

Image of camcorder. © JVCAmerica.  Used under an Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) Creative Commons Licence

You can book editing suites to edit the material you produce. Note that you will need permission from anyone who appears in your work: a sample release form for obtaining permission is available.



Copyright law allows creators or owners of material, including media materials, to have a say in what is done with it.

To copy and use images or video for your own work you must respect any copyright restrictions.

We also have more detailed online guides to help you with Copyright and using Video, Images and Audio.