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Library: Learning and Teaching Support Team

This is an old version of the Information for Staff pages. The information on this page may not be up to date. Please visit our new Information for Staff guide for more recent information on library services.

What we do

The Library Learning & Teaching Support Team are responsible for information skills: those are the key skills of searching for, evaluating, and referencing information, which are vital for academic research, for independent and life-long learning, and for many professions.

Our librarians also act as library contacts for academic staff, and work with lecturers to develop their students’ information skills.

As part of our role, we:

  • Create and deliver subject-specific information skills classes, workshops, and training for students and staff
  • Produce online guides and teaching toolkits to support information skills
  • Direct enquiries that come to the library, and answer those enquiries that fall within our team's remit 
  • Manage subject- and specialist-  collections of books, journals and other library resources
  • Provide support to academic staff in using RLO and creating reading lists
  • Support faculties in identifying and integrating library elements as part of the design, planning, validation, delivery and review of courses and programmes
  • Develop Hallam library services and support for collaborative partners
  • Work on a variety of projects and events to create, improve, and evaluate library services at Hallam and beyond

Library Information Skills Service Offer

During 2016/17 we introduced a new service offer to faculties which sets out the information skills training and support offered by the Library in order to develop the information skills students require for success in their course and to support their life long learning. Details of the offer and implementation are in the 2 documents below. 

Adsetts Library [map pdf]
Collegiate Library [map pdf]

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB
Sheffield Hallam Library Signifier