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RLO: Working with Reading Lists Online

Updated support for Blackboard Ultra

These guidelines have been updated to support staff using RLOs in the new Blackboard Ultra interface.

The Digital Learning Team are supporting staff with the transition to Blackboard Ultra.  Please follow the link below for more information: 

Here are some helpful points about what is happening with RLOs and the move to Blackboard Ultra:

  • If the module ran in 2023/24 and had a RLO, a copy for academic year 2024/25 will have been made and should be available via that link.
  • If this is a new module with a new module code, you will need to create a 2024/25 RLO for it.  The new RLO can be created from scratch or you can copy and adapt the RLO from a previous module.
  • Please make sure the module code and academic year are attached to your RLO.  This will ensure that it is linked to the Blackboard Ultra site.
  • Do not try to manually link a list yourself. If you have any questions or issues relating to RLO, please contact the Library: 

Still working on modules in the classic interface?

If you are still working with Blackboard classic, please refer to the instructions at the bottom of the page: 

Accessing your reading lists

  • If your module already has a RLO, there will be a link to it in the Module Information section of the Bb Ultra site. There will also be a link listed under My Tools
  • You can also access RLOs directly using this link:
  • Sign in to RLO using your Sheffield Hallam username and password.  The first time you log into RLO, you will be asked to create a profile which you should make Public.
  • Use My Lists to see all the lists that you have access to. 
  • Please contact the Library if you experience any problems accessing or editing your RLO: 

Creating a profile in RLO

The first time you log into RLO, you will be asked to create a profile which you should make Public. This quick video shows you how:

You can also follow this step by step document to set up your profile: 

How to copy an existing list

You can make a Copy of an existing list and reuse it for a new module:

  • Open the list you want to copy and via the Edit menu, select the Copy list option.
  • Remember to rename the list with the new module title and make sure the Copy hierarchy associations box is untick as you will need to add the new module code.

    Screenshot showing how to copy an existing RLO


If the list you are copying contains any digitised readings, and you want to include these in your new reading list, please contact the Library Access & Supply team through and inform them of:

  • The module code of the list you are copying.
  • The module code of the new list you are creating and
  • The digitised readings you want included on the new list.

The videos below demonstrates how to make a copy of an existing reading list:

How to create a new list

If your module does not have an existing RLO that you can copy, you will need to create a new one.

  • Select My Lists from the top banner and choose Create new list.
  • We recommend that you to use the module title as the reading list name and put the module code in the Description field.
  • Click on Select Hierarchy and search using the module code to attach the list to the relevant modules and add the student numbers. 
  • Finally select the appropriate Academic Year.


The below video shows you how to create a new list:


How to add sections to your list

Breaking your reading list up into sections will help your students to manage their reading.  You can easily arrange reading lists into sections, either week by week, or theme by theme, or aligning the sections with the learning outcomes of the module or the assessment. 

To add sections to your list, hover the mouse over where you would like the section to go and select the Add Section option from the action bar which appears.


You will be prompted to give each section a name and description.  Once these details have been completed, you can start adding resources to your list.

How to move sections around the list

You can easily move sections around the reading list. This is useful when you want to amend or alter the list structure.

  • To move a section, go to the section heading and click on the three dots on the right hand side of the screen '...'  and then Click on Cut.
  • Go to the section of the list that you want to put the section into and Click on Paste.