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RLO: Working with Reading Lists Online

How RLO Reading Lists are linked to Blackboard module sites

In Blackboard Ultra, a Reading List Online link is automatically included in the 'Module Information' section on all Blackboard module sites. This link will automatically lead to the RLO that is attached to the same module code as the module site. This is one of the reasons why it is so important to make sure that your RLO is attached to the correct module code.

From the student perspective, opening up the 'Module Information' section will look like this:

The Module Information learning module on a Blackboard site will automatically contain 'Using this site', 'Module information' and 'Reading List Online'.

If the Reading List Online link doesn't lead to the RLO you are using for that module, please check the module code (also known as the hierarchy) that is linked to the list you want to use, or contact your subject librarian.

You can still add RLO links elsewhere in your module site, as explained below.

Adding to a list or a section from Blackboard

You can embed an RLO or a particular section of an RLO on your Blackboard module site to direct students to it in the context of other module content. To embed an RLO or section:

  1. Open up your module site in Blackboard.
  2. Click on the Plus + symbol where you would like to add the RLO link, just as you would when adding any new content to a Blackboard site.
  3. Click 'Integrated Tools'.
  4. Click 'Reading List Online - List and Section linking'.
  5. The suggested list that comes up should be the RLO tied to the same module code as the Blackboard site.
    • If no suggested list appears, or if the suggested list is not the one you are using for that module, please check the module code (also known as the hierarchy) that is linked to the list you want to use, or contact your subject librarian.
    • You can link to a reading list tied to a different module by searching for the list name or module code.
  6. Either:
    • a) Click 'Embed list' if you want to add a link to the list as a whole.
    • b) Click 'Select section' if you want to add a link to a particular section or sub-section on the list. Then select the section of the RLO you want to add.
  7. The RLO link should now appear on your Blackboard site where you have added it. You may need to refresh the site to see it.
  8. You can rename the link or add a description by clicking the three dots next to the link, then clicking 'Edit'.

For further information, please see Linking to Reading Lists Online 

Getting help with your RLOs

If you need further help with your Reading List, please contact your Subject Librarian for support.