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Editing and Proofreading

Guidance, tools and resources on how to efficiently edit and proofread your own work.


The Studiosity service is currently being rolled out to all postgraduate students at Sheffield Hallam University. Studiosity is an online service which provides feedback on academic writing, and is available via Blackboard. Postgraduate students this year have access until 15/9/2025, with unlimited uploads (of up to 8000 words each time) to the Writing Feedback+ service and up to 3 interactions with the Connect Live service.

To access the service, log in to Blackboard and scroll down on the institution page (the landing page) to find the Studiosity logo.  (Please note: PGCE students currently have a temporary route to access the Studiosity service - see the note at the bottom of this page)

A screenshot of the institution page in Blackboard - the Studiosity logo is displayed at the bottom of the page.

If you are a postgraduate student and cannot see the logo on your homepage, please let us know via email at:

Note for PGCE students - November 2024:

  • PGCE students currently have temporary access to Studiosity, and will not be able to see a Studiosity logo on their page of MyHallam until mid-December

  • Temporary access is available by logging into Blackboard and visiting your Organisations
  • You will see that you are enrolled to a site called ‘Studiosity for PGCE students 2024/5’:

  • Once you enter this Organisation site click on the link that looks like this:

  • Once you have clicked on this link you will be taken to the Studiosity Dashboard where you follow the on screen instructions to use the service



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