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Nursing and Midwifery

Alexander Street Academic Video Online

Some Alexander Street video channels that are particularly relevant to Nursing students include:

You can search within a particular channel or across the whole platform to find videos relevant on the topic you are learning about.

ClinicalKey Midwifery Collection

SHU Library is subscribed to the ClinicalKey Midwifery Student Collection, which (as well as 31 key Midwifery ebooks) contains nearly 100 video case studies and thousands of copyright-cleared illustrative images. The case studies show real midwives and mothers sharing their own personal experiences of the birthing process.

You can browse this collection by logging in via institution at Click 'Log in via your institution', then select Sheffield Hallam and enter your Hallam login details. ClinicalKey have provided a video showing how to register your account. The video case studies can be found under the Videos tab, or by searching from the collection homepage and selecting Videos under the Content Type filter.

To look for images, you can run a search and then select Images under Content Type filter, or browse under the Images tab. You can also find images and/or videos linked to many of the ebooks on the ClinicalKey Midwifery platform.

More guidance on using ClinicalKey Midwifery can be found in the help section on their website: ClinicalKey Student Nursing Support Center

Biomedical and Life Sciences Lectures