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Visitors' guide to the Library

Main collection

Most of the books at Adsetts Library belong to the main collection. This is made up of resources to support the courses taught at City Campus. Due to the large number of books in the library, it is necessary for them to be organised by topic as well as by author so that they can be shelved in the right order and found when they are needed. We use a system called Dewey Decimal Classification.


Level 2 (001-331) - Computing, children's literature, journalism, philosophy, psychology and religion

Level 3 (332-499) - Sociology, politics, economics, education, social welfare and policy, housing, planning, fashion, transport, communications, language and linguistics

Level 5 (500-779) - Business and management, hospitality, leisure, food, mathematics, sciences, engineering,  construction, architecture, art, design, photography, oversize books (all subjects)

Level 6 (780-999) - Music, drama, film, broadcasting, literature, history, geography, tourism


To locate a book, you will need to know the level (floor) in the library and its shelfmark, both of which can be found in the Library Search results. There is a sign on the end of each set of shelves to tell you the range of books that they hold.

If you can't find something, just ask at the Helpdesk on Level 4 and a member of staff will help you look.

Teaching resources

Located on Level 3 of Adsetts Library, this collection is divided into two sections:

  • Teaching Practice (TP) includes books and other resources suitable for taking on teaching practice, such as for lesson planning or for pupils to work from
  • Resource Pack (RP) materials are also aimed at education students going on teaching practice and comprise non-book items, such as games and posters.


The TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) collection is located on Level 3 of Adsetts. There are two sequences of books:

  • TESOL Learning materials are aimed at international students at Sheffield Hallam for whom English is not their native language who want to improve their academic English to study in the UK. In particular, this collection supports people who are working towards the Cambridge Education or are studying on the University English Scheme. 
  • TESOL Teaching Theory collection is mostly used by Sheffield Hallam students who are learning how to teach English to foreign learners. It contains materials to do with lesson planning and also on the theory of teaching English.


Located on Level 3 of Adsetts Library, the languages collection includes materials to support the foreign languages taught at the University. Resources are arranged in sections by language:

  • Chinese
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Other languages, including sign language

Within each section, you will find the books, journals, newspapers and other media relating to that language.

The Special Collection

SHU has a special collection, which is held at the Adsetts Library and can be viewed by appointment. Visit the Special Collection Guide to find out more.


Readerships and Literary Cultures Collection

The Readerships and Literary Cultures collection contains around 550 out-of-print novels from the period 1900 to 1950, which were significant to readers either because they had sold well or the authors' names were widely recognised. The focus is on books that could be called 'middlebrow' rather than being of particular literary merit. This collection is Reference Only and is located on Level 2 of Adsetts Library within its own reading area.

The Corvey Collection

The Corvey Collection comprises late 18th and early 19th century English literary texts on microfiche. The original collection was formed by Baron Corvey at his Schloss in Germany, and is the best collection of popular fiction in English of the Romantic era. Genres include prose fiction, drama and verse, and there is also a sequence of travel writing.

Sheffield Hallam University was the first institution outside of Germany to purchase any of the collection. It is held on Level 1 in the Stack of Adsetts Library.  To gain access, please ask at the library Helpdesk.

Parliamentary publications

The collection contains:

  • Sessional Papers (from 1977/78 to present) from the House of Lords and House of Commons
  • Command Papers from 1978 onwards, including Green and White Papers, reports of Royal Commissions, Committees of Inquiry, and some annual reports
  • Hansard, the official report of parliamentary debates
  • Public General Acts.

These materials are in the Stack on Level 1 at Adsetts and are for reference only.

English collection

This is on the ground floor at Collegiate Library.  It includes English language study materials, books on health terminology, and popular fiction. Most books in the collection can be borrowed but some are for reference only.

Women in Science, Engineering and Techology UK Resource Centre (WiSE UKRC) collection

Sheffield Hallam University holds a set of approximately 370 special resources relating to gender, science and technology, and science education. The collection was donated to the University in recognition of its own work (via the WiSET team in Sheffield Institute of Education) when government funding for the UKRC and WISE was withdrawn in 2010.

The collection is within the main collection and can be found by typing WISE UKRC into Library Search.