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Visitors' guide to the Library: Visitors

Libraries open 24/7/365

The University closes for Christmas 5pm Friday 20th December 2024 and reopens on 8am Thursday 02nd January 2025. Our libraries are open all year round though, so you can still come and use them. If you're planning to visit over the Christmas period, here are a few things you'll need to know.    

Students from other universities

If you'd like to use Sheffield Hallam's libraries while you're home for Christmas or visiting Sheffield during the holidays, make sure you apply for SCONUL Access.  Please do this in advance because your own university will need to approve your application.  

The last date that we can approve and process applications is 2pm Tuesday 17th December.  After this we cannot guarantee that the you will receive the Associate Member card which you need to gain access.

Everyone else

If you're already registered as an Associate Member of our libraries, you'll be able to get into the buildings as normal over the holidays and do everything you can usually do.  However, members of the public won't be allowed access to the libraries as visitors.  If you'd like to become an Associate Member or just find out more, see our Membership page.

Visiting the library

If you aren't a student or member of staff at Sheffield Hallam, you can still use the University's libraries.  If you wish to join as a member:

  • Associate Membership (aged 18 or over):  If you would like to become an Associate Member, please see the Membership page for registration information
  • School or college students (aged 16-17 only): Please see our Membership page for registration information. From 30th October 2023, you will only be permitted entry to the library if you have successfully registered and received your membership card.
  • Collaborative and partner students: you will be enrolled at Sheffield Hallam via your home institution, please see section 4 of the Hallam Library Access Policy for further information.

If you wish to use the library for one day or a short period of time you can do so between 7:00am - 7:00pm Monday to Sunday as a:

  • Visitor (aged 18 or over): you will need to show valid photo ID and proof of address, one of these proofs must include proof of age
  • Refugees or asylum seekers (aged 18 or over); if you do not have proof of address, please bring your BRP card or other document which evidences your refugee or asylum seeker status.
  • If you wish to use the library regularly or for an extended period of time, you must register as an Associate Member (outlined above).

If you are a Sheffield Hallam University student or member of staff you can sign in one non-university member to accompany you for the duration of your visit from the groups below:

  • Guests of Sheffield Hallam University students and staff (aged 18 or over): Please see section 5 of the Hallam Library Access Policy.                                                
  • Children of Sheffield Hallam University students and staff (aged 17 and under): Please see section 6 of the Hallam Library Access Policy        

All under-18s are considered children and are not eligible to be on University premises, except where listed above or as part of organised and supervised outreach activities.

All library users must read the Hallam Library Access Policy and the Hallam Library Code of Conduct to ensure that you understand what is expected of you and what you can expect from Hallam Library.

For accessibility information about the library buildings please see our Accessible guide.

Adsetts Library is the University's library at City Campus - find us on the campus plan.

Photo credit: 'Adsetts Library' by Sheffield Hallam University

Collegiate Library is at Collegiate Campus - find us on the campus plan

Photo credit: 'Collegiate Library' by Sheffield Hallam University

Opening hours

We have libraries at both campuses: Adsetts Library at City Campus and Collegiate Library at Collegiate Campus.

Both of our libraries are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for Sheffield Hallam students, staff, and Associate Members.

The libraries are open to visitors during the daytime between the hours of 7am-7pm. 

Please note that you will be asked to show some ID. 

Wi-fi access

Visitors and Associate Members are able to access the internet in the libraries by connecting to the 'WiFi Guest' network.  This is part of The Cloud network of wi-fi hotspots and you will need to register for a free account to use it.

University computers

University computers are reserved for current students and staff of Sheffield Hallam.  However, we have a range of study spaces in the libraries without a desktop PC and you are welcome to bring your own device with you to use.

Study spaces

Only Hallam students are able to book meeting rooms and study spaces in the libraries.  Visitors and Associate Members are welcome to use any spaces that are vacant, but might be asked to move when a booking starts.

Adsetts Library [map pdf]
Collegiate Library [map pdf]

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB
Sheffield Hallam Library Signifier