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Food and Nutrition

Assignment Support Drop In Sessions

Do you have a quick question about your studies or research?

  • Searching for information about your assignment topic
  • Starting to plan your essay
  • Looking to develop your critical writing
  • Developing your digital skills in Microsoft Office

Drop-ins will be paused over the summer, but additional 1-1 appointments will be available. Please see the listings for 1-1s on the Talk to Adviser page.

Food and Nutrition

Reading at University

Literature reviews

Research ethics

This is a selection of the books in the Library relating to research ethics. If you need more advice in regards to ethics in your chosen field of research then do contact your module leader or supervisor

Presentation skills

Report and proposals

SAGE Research Methods Online

Sage Research Methods (SRM) is a fantastic collection of books and case studies exploring and illustrating research methods for the social sciences

You can browse within SRM to different disciplines e.g. Science, Health, Marketing or Business and limit your results to the type of information you need e.g. books or statistical sources.

If you are unsure if the research method or analysis can be applied to your subject of study or assignment, you may like to check your assignment brief or with a member of the teaching team within the module.


  • Books include Little Green Books and Little Blue Books, short guides to quantitative and qualitative research methods
  • Over 1000 case studies illustrating research methods
  • SRM Project Planner - accessible advice on every stage of the research process from defining a question to writing up and sharing your research
  • We don't subscribe to everything from SRM - use 'Refine By' > 'Available to me' when searching and browsing to see what is available at SHU

Research approaches

This is just a selection of the different types of research methods books that we have in the Library. If you would like to find books on a specific methodology, just search Library Search eg grounded theory.


Thinking about publication?

Academic writing

Adsetts Library
Collegiate Library

Sheffield Hallam University
City Campus, Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB