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Library Research Support

Narrative CVs, R&I plans and Elements

You can use Elements to help you to create a Narrative CV and a R&I plan. This uses the 'Professional activities' box on your homepage in Elements.

Help with using Elements to do this is available:

You may also be interested in Rory Duncan's blog post on Different ways to tell our stories for background information about narrative CVs.

Grants and narrative CVs

The information on Elements about your grants, is imported from Converis and can’t be added or amended in Elements. 

If a grant that you would like to appear on your Narrative CV is not on Elements, you can export your CV from Elements as a Word document and add the additional grants that aren't on Elements using Word. 

Guidance on exporting a CV are available on page 5 of this document: Using Elements for Narrative CVs, R&I Plans and informing PDR - Guidance

If there is a grant that you think should be on Elements but it does not appear to be there, it could be that it is not on Converis. Alternatively, it may be on Converis, but may not be passing across to Elements because it is marked as sensitive or because it does not have the correct status, correct stage or for another similar reason. You can contact your Research Institute Professional Services Support Team to ask them to check Converis or you can contact the Converis Team.  The RIS Research Institute Professional Services Support email addresses for each Institute are at the bottom of this page about Research Institutes and the Contact details for the Converis Team are at the bottom of this page about Converis.