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Nursing and Midwifery


Welcome to the subject guide for Nursing and Midwifery. Here you'll find a range of useful resources, links, and advice for your studies, brought together in one place to save you time. It is recommended that you have a through look over your subject guide, so that you are aware of the resources available and can come back to it when you need them. Logo reading 'Sheffield Hallam University. Library: Learning & Teaching Support'

If you are doing an assignment for which materials from other disciplines might be relevant, you may find it useful to look at other subject guides as well, such as Biosciences & ChemistryEducation & AutismFood & NutritionHealthSocial Work, and Sport.

Library staff aim to update this guide as regularly as possible. If you encounter a link that doesn’t work, or a piece of information that is no longer accurate, please contact the library so we can fix it.

How to use this guide

On the left side of the page (or the top of the page if you are on a mobile phone), you will see the tabs indicating the different pages of this guide. Simply click on the relevant tab to go to the page. A drop-down menu will appear with links to the sub-sections of that page.

  • Books and eBooks – information about how to find Nursing and Midwifery books in the library and details of new books added to the library collection.
  • Journals and Databases – links to subject-specific academic databases and multidisciplinary databases that are useful for Nursing and Midwifery students. There is also information about key journals and how to browse them.
  • Finding the Literature – guidance on how to search for reliable information. Includes critical appraisal tools.
  • Professional Bodies - information and links on key professional bodies and other official organisations related to nursing and midwifery, including the Nursing and Midwifery Council, the Royal College of Nursing, the Royal College of Midwifery, and more.
  • Evidence-Based Practice Resources - resources to support Evidence-Based Practice, including systematic review databases (e.g. Cochrane), sources of clinical trials, Clinical, and BMJ Best Practice. 
  • Reports and Statistics - links to organisations which publish healthcare-related reports, policies, and statistics, as well as links to some particularly significant reports in this subject area.
  • Drug Information - key sources about pharmaceutical drugs, such as Stockley's Drug Interactions Checker and the British National Formulary (BNF).
  • Anatomy and Physiology - links to useful resources for learning about the human body, such as
  • Equity in Healthcare - resources aimed at increasing equity in healthcare and calling attention to inequalities. Includes resources on diagnosing skin conditions on black and brown skin.
  • Documentaries and Videos - links to sources of video content relevant to your studies.
  • Referencing Guide - redirects to the library's referencing guide, which provides information on the principles of referencing and how to use APA 7th edition. This is also where you can book onto a referencing or RefWorks webinar.

Library support

If you are taking Evidence and Enquiry for Practice or The Advancing Professional, remember that there are dedicated resources on literature searching in the Blackboard sites for these modules, provided by the library.

There is a range of ways that you can get support from the library:

Library Chat

  • Live text chat with library staff
  • Available 24/7 for support with literature searching, referencing, and any issues or questions related to using the library

Bookable appointments with librarians

  • You can book a 30 minute one-to-one with a librarian to discuss literature searching or referencing
  • Remember to include plenty of information about what you would like support with when making your booking

If you think you may need support from your subject librarian, contact the library.

The Skills Centre   

The Skills Centre is a team within the library offering academic skills development on topics such as assignment planning, critical writing, presentation skills, research planning, and time management. They offer:


Subject guide feedback form

This guide is managed by your subject librarian, who aims to keep improving and updating it so it can be as helpful a resource as possible. You can share any feedback on the subject guide using the following form:

This might include:

- letting us know about broken links or out-of-date information

- giving suggestions for resources that might be useful additions to the guide

- telling us what you like about the subject guide and any ways in which it is useful to you

- saying anything that you don't like about the subject guide or suggesting how it could be improved