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Making the most of your Library off-campus

Hallam Library: top tips for creating your bespoke study space at home

Libraries are always happy to see their users but sometimes you may need to study at home or off campus. Here is our guide to help set up a study space at home!

Our first tip is put a plant in the space that you plan to work in! It is a really nice way to personalise your space! Take a look at the infographic below to find out more tips on how to create a study space at home.

Here are the rest of our top tips!

Top tip: If you can, close the door to the room in which you are studying. This may help signify to family or friends that you are busy and should not be disturbed.

Top tip: Motivate and reward yourself when you complete your study session goals. If you don't manage to meet the study session's goals, reflect on what stopped you and how could the next session be more productive?

Top tip: If music helps you focus, then use it! If you find music with lyrics distracts you... what about trying classical or instrumental music! 

We hope you now have the study space that suits you and wish you well in your off campus studies!

How to set up your study space guides

Use technology to help you

Remember to take a break - exercise and food!

When you take a break, you may want to stretch your body with gentle stretching exercises, step outside for fresh air or make a cuppa! Whatever you do, be kind to yourself!

Take a look at the Active Wellbeing section of the Student Wellbeing Team pages to find out more about how exercise can help with wellbeing.