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Help with Referencing guide

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Referencing is an essential part of academic writing.  It helps you acknowledge other people's work and establish your own ideas. You can find out more about referencing using APA on the Help with Referencing guide.

APA Referencing classes

Getting started with APA referencing webinar

This is a 60-minute online class to help you get started with APA referencing. Places on each webinar are limited but we will timetable extra sessions to meet demand.

The workshop includes interactive activities to let you practice your referencing and a chance to ask any questions you have about APA.

To book a place go to UniHub and Search Events for APA referencing. Once you have booked you will be sent an email with instructions for joining the webinar.

ProQuest RefWorks classes

Getting started with ProQuest RefWorks Webinars

ProQuest RefWorks is an online tool that helps you organise your references, and format citations and reference lists in Microsoft Word.  We will add more workshops on a weekly basis.

Sign up for a webinar to learn how to use ProQuest RefWorks to support your writing. 

This one hour workshop is open to all Hallam staff and students. 

Appointments: Talk to an adviser

You can book appointments for help with academic writing, literature searching, referencing, maths and stats, and for digital skills.

Upcoming APA webinars

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Upcoming ProQuest RefWorks webinars

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Upcoming OSCOLA webinars: Referencing for law

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Upcoming RefWorks webinars for staff and researchers

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Online tools for referencing: ProQuest RefWorks and the Microsoft Word referencing tool

There are online tools for referencing that can be used to help with reference management e.g. RefWorks.

If you have not used RefWorks or thought about using reference management tools think of it as a digital filing cabinet that allows you to manage references from Library Search, subject databases, Google Scholar and the wider web. 

Once you have all the information you need to cite and reference, you can then use RefWorks to help create your citations and reference lists.

The Library recommends and supports students using ProQuest RefWorks, however this does not mean that you cannot use other reference management software.  

If you do decide to use an online referencing tool e.g. ProQuest RefWorks or the Microsoft Word referencing tool, you still need to know what is required for a reference according to the referencing style you are using e.g. what information is required for a book reference and how it should be written. It is important to check the references created by any online referencing tool to make sure they are correct.

You can find out more about using RefWorks in the RefWorks section of the Help with Referencing guide.