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Making the most of your Library off-campus

Webinars and 1-1 appointments

In line with the University decision to transition to the online provision of teaching and learning over the course of this week, the Library is now offering a remote service to ensure that we continue to effectively support your studies.

1-1 appointments

You can book a remote 30 minute one to one appointment with an Academic Skills Adviser, a Librarian and a Digital Skills Adviser – these can take place via telephone or using Blackboard Collaborate (a web chat tool that allows screen sharing). View our current appointments or for up-to-date availability see Unihub.

We offer a limited number of appointments after 5pm from Tuesday-Thursday: view our calendar to book.


For up-to-date information on all our sessions, visit our website or follow us on Twitter @HallamSkills.

Self-directed online skills development